FIPLV – prošnja za sodelovanje v anketi o enakosti evropskih jezikov

S FIPLV smo prejeli prošnjo za sodelovanje v anketi o enakosti evropksih jezikov.

Celoten poziv s povezavo na spletno stran projekta lahko najdete s klikom na ‘Več’, anketa pa je na voljo tukaj: ttps:// v res veliko jezikih, tudi slovenščini!

Dear friends and colleagues across Europe,
I am writing to you with an urgent request. As you may know, FIPLV promotes multilingualism and with that the learning and use of all languages. It is for this reason that we are members of and work with ECSPM, the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism, which is a partner in the EU flagship project “European Language Equality” (ELE), a project addressing the digital equality of languages spoken around Europe. As we know, there is an enormous imbalance between languages in terms of the support they receive through language technologies. 
ELE has organised a survey of great importance all of us working with the languages of Europe. Therefore, the purpose of this message is to ask you to look at and respond to this online SURVEY concerning Language Technology (LT) and Language-centric Artificial Intelligence. It is in the form of an online questionnaire, which we ask you to answer yourselves, and to disseminate to everyone in your association, to other colleagues, networks, and contacts in Europe. You can find it here: The link: You will see that it is available in all official European languages and some regional ones, so please answer in your own language as we would like as many responses as possible in the full range of languages. Please note, it should take less than 5 minutes to complete, so isn’t a big commitment.
The questionnaire asks you to evaluate the current situation with respect to the level of LT support for languages spoken in Europe, to indicate challenges, and to share needs and expectations for the future.  Please take part and find others to participate in this pan-European effort, which will impact the field of LT in Europe for the next 10-15 years, including the funding situation. 

This survey was launched some time ago but the deadline has been extended into April as we would like more people to complete it. Please circulate it and encourage your members to complete it as soon as possible.

Thanking you for your support and for supporting language equality.

All good wishes


Professor Terry Lamb PhD | Professor of Languages and Interdisciplinary Pedagogy

University of Westminster | 309 Regent Street | London W1B 2HW

Vice President and former President and Secretary General, FIPLV (Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes)

Avtorske pravice v izobraževanju

Inštitut za intelektualno lastnino v sodelovanju z Arnesom v februarju izvedel brezplačni webinar na temo avtorskih pravic v izobraževanju – udeležila se ga je široka paleta kolegic in kolegov iz vrtcev, osnovnih in srednjih šol ter višjega šolstva. Po uvodnem pregledu za delo v šolstvu pomembnih področij smo udeleženci delili svoje avtorsko-pravne dileme s strokovnjakinjo dr. Majo Bogataj Jančič. Posnetek samega webinarja žal ni na voljo, so pa organizatorji vsa zbrana vprašanja in odgovore nanje pred kratkim objavili tukajle. Kar nekaj le-teh smo poslale tudi članice Skupine za e-pouk SDUTSJ.

Obljubljajo, da se bo zbirka dograjevala tudi v prihodnje – zato vabijo, da vprašanja in dileme na katere zbirka (še) ne ponuja zadovoljivih odgovorov še naprej pošiljamo na z zadevo AP IN IZOBRAŽEVANJE. Glede na velik februarski odziv šolnikov, v kratkem napovedujejo še kakšno predavanje dve al tri pa tudi kakšno delavnico, kjer se bo razjasnjevalo konkretne dvome.

Velja izkoristiti!